Building Resilient Urban Communities

Increased frequency of natural hazards and sea level rise are expected impacts of climate change in India. Marginalized urban settlements are often vulnerable to disaster due to their location in hazard risk areas and the use of cheap building materials, their inhabitants are therefore strongly affected by climate change. Amidst strives to meet climate targets, the poor’s needs are mostly overlooked. Some members of BReUCom’s consortium are currently running the CBHE project “Building Inclusive Urban Communities” (BInUCom). Results show that traditional spatial planning approaches in urban areas do not meet requirements of rapidly transforming cities in India under climate change. There is a need for paradigm shift in the education of graduate students in spatial planning and design and training of urban professionals from different backgrounds. BReUCom conceives and pilots postgraduate short term Professional Development Programs (PDPs) targeted at real world problems, engaging students from grassroots, unable to spend time and financial resources for full Masters Programs.BReUCom increases employability of graduates and professionals via collaboration between Indian HEIs in Ahmedabad (CEPT), Bhopal (SPA), Hamipur (NIT), Mumbai (KRVIA) & Vijayawada (SPAV) as well as NGOs in the field (SPARC, CURE). Coordinated by Univeritaet fuer Weiterbildung Krems (DUK) & with the support of Universiteit Twente (UTWENTE) the project will:• Produce Open Educational Resources by developing 4 assessment reports on urban resilience of poor communities in target regions, 10 comparative case studies and 10 descriptions of new courses for graduate students in existing programs, following MIT’s OpenCourseWare model• Pilot 5 new courses on urban resilience in existing curricula for graduate students• Develop a PDP portfolio academy consisting of 20 modules (à 1 week) on urban resilience for urban professionals from different working experiences, pilot 10 within project duration

Země AT
Organizace Podunajská univerzita Krems
V rámci projektu Center for Environmental Sensitivity
Rámec a program financování Erasmus+, KA2 - Capacity Building

Poznej Evropský region

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